
Cross Country For Year 3

Due to the weather this week, Year 3 were not able to complete their Cross Country.  This will now take place on Tuesday 17 Janaury in their PE lesson.

Pupils will come to school in their uniform but will need to bring appropriate clothing for being outside with their PE kit, full tracksuit, skins and pair of shoes to run in (football boots or old trainers) and a pair of trainers for on the bus or inside the school hall after the run, as well as a plastic bag or boot bag for the spare shoes to go into.  

If you have any questions about this please do not hesitate to contact myself. 

Good luck everyone!

Mrs McCollin 
Head of PE and Games

Years 5 And 6 Inter House Cross Country

Years 5 and 6 Inter House Cross Country took place on Tuesday afternoon over at Princethorpe College and it was a very muddy affair (sorry parents!) Pupils and staff were welcomed by Foundation Director of Sport, Lee Cassell and Year 9s Lily and Charlie who acted as hares to guide Crescent’s runners around the course.

The rain held off but conditions were slippy so pupils took it steadily as they set off. The route took them out across the playing fields winding its way around the boundaries. The girls ran first followed by the boys. There was plenty of inter house rivalry but also lots of kindness and encouragement.

Well done to all the runners. 

In the girls' race the results were:

1st - St George's 

2nd - St Andrew's  

3rd - St David's 

Individual positions - 1st Grace Crowfoot, 2nd Ellie Gane, 3rd Bella Davies, 4th Lara Lorrimer-Allen and 5th Roisin Banks. 

In the boys' race:

1st - St David's

2nd - St Andrew's 

3rd - St George's 

Individual positions - 1st Sam Bierton, 2nd Alex Thomas, 3rd Timi Ladel, 4th Albert Isles and 5th Alex Grove. 


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