Christmas Bazaar Update

We are delighted to announce that the Christmas Bazaar raised £1,260 for Birmingham Children's Hospital and £991.95 for FoC projects. This includes £161 from Sue, the chutney lady, who gave all of her proceeds to our charitable fundraising for Birmingham Children's Hospital.

We will be announcing the school project we'll be funding in the New Year so watch this space! 

Enormous thanks to all of those who helped make the Christmas Bazaar a success. Our volunteers helped in so many ways and we couldn't do it without them. From filling sweet bags in the evenings, to inputting hundreds of names into the raffle spreadsheet. They took holiday from work - and in the case of the teachers extended their working day to help us out! 

Finally thanks to you, the parents, for all the fabulous raffle prizes - and for supporting the event. We hope your ear-drums have recovered! 

Foc Chair