Around The Classes

Switch Off Fortnight T-Shirt Designs

Pupils in Years 4, 5 and 6 have designed t-shirts as part of the Switch Off Fortnight Campaign. Three entries were selected from each class and submitted into a national competition. We will hear in December if any of them are chosen as the winner. The winner will have their design used made into t-shirts! 

Mrs Johnson
Science and DT Teacher
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Class 3S History Egyptian Projects

Class 3S would love to share their completely amazing Egyptian projects with you. They are the culmination of many weeks of History homework, and the level of care, attention to detail and quality of them has just been superb.

Congratulations to all of Class 3S, I am sure you will agree that their projects are just wonderful.

Mrs Symons
Class 3S Form Teacher
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Years 3 And 4 Shuffle Rugby

Due to the frozen ground on the field making things unsafe, the Year 3 and 4 rugby players had to head into the hall for part of their Games lesson this week. However, they made the most of their time by playing the wonderful game of ‘Shuffle Rugby’.

The key rules include that to move around you must shuffle on your bottoms, you can’t move with the ball, and the rule they struggled the most with…you are not allowed to talk! The game encourages moving in space, teamwork, passing skills, quick passing, the ability to be quiet, and on top of that is a lot of fun!

Mr Adkins
Teacher of Boys Games
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Class 4C RE Projects

In Class 4C, the children have brought in their RE projects on Hinduism, which they have been working on for the past few weeks. Over two days, we displayed the projects around the classroom and the children spent time reading each other's work and leaving positive feedback. Some of these projects will be displayed in our classroom for the rest of term. 

Ms Clark
Class 4C Form Teacher

Class 5F Privilege Time

Class 5F would like to thank the FoC for organising our cake sale and all of you for buying the treats. Here are a few of the items we chose!

Ms Forth
Class 5F Form Teacher
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Class 5F - Skills With A Pair Of Compasses.

Class 5F are tackling a geometry topic at the moment. Geometry should be a thing of beauty, so that takes plenty of practice with equipment. Mrs Dowling and Ms Forth loved the concentration on the faces as the pupils tried, with eventual success, to draw and name a perfect circle. 

Ms Forth
Class 5F Form Teacher
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Class 5F Maya Projects

Class 5F have just been superstars, bringing in the most incredible projects relating to their history study of Maya civilisations. The quality and diverse range of the type of projects they have undertaken has shown their enthusiasm and engagement with the subject. Amazing work from everyone. Well done!

Mrs Symons
Class 5F History Teacher
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Class 6W Shadow Puppets

In DT, Class 6W have been designing and creating shadow puppets. This week they presented their short Christmas performances to Class 1Q and 1S. The pupils had created some very imaginative and funny characters and their audience thoroughly enjoyed the shows. 

Mrs Johnson
Science and DT Teacher
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Year 6 'Christmas Card' Elves

Everyday Year 6 (on a rota) are our elf post workers. They stamp the cards the children bring in and they are posted into our special post box. Next week all the Year 6 elves will sort the cards for each class and child for them to bring home.

Please remember to name each card (with the first and surname) and write the form they are in.  

Mrs Webb
Class 6W Form Teacher

Funstar Education Street Dance Showcase

It was great for the parents to come and see the skills and talents of the Funstar Street Dance co-curricular club.  Dance is a great way to express yourself and leave your worries behind. Please sign up for next term if your child is interested.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head
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Co-Curricular STEM Club

In STEM club this week, the children have been putting finishing touches on their eco-friendly school designs. They communicated their ideas by making models and explaining their ideas to the other children in the club. Ideas included building up high to avoid destruction of fields and trees; installing solar panels and wind turbines; creating green spaces for students to connect with nature and having environmentally friendly vegetarian dinner menus. 

Ms Clark
Class 4C Form Teacher
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Co-Curricular Mini First Aid

Year 2 mini First Aiders received a certificate in assembly for their good work in their co-curricular club. They have been meeting every Monday to learn basic first aid skills and even resuscitation. Year 1 have the opportunity to sign up for this important life skill co-curricular club next term.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head