Important Information

Christmas Carol Service Arrangements (Years 3 - 6)

Tuesday 13 December 2022 - 6.30pm to 7.45pm

Parents should bring their children to the Chapel to be seated by 6.15pm.  Princethorpe have asked if families can refrain from arriving until after 6.00pm to allow their school day to finish safely.

Please follow the signage around to the North car park where you will be able to leave your car and accompany your child through the Sixth Form Centre. All children, staff and the congregation, should be seated at 6.15pm for a prompt start. There will be instrumental and vocal solos taking place as people arrive.  Winter uniform with blazers, jumpers/cardigan and grey tights for girls should be worn.

There will be a rehearsal during the morning on Tuesday where children will be taken over to Princethorpe by coach but will be back at school by lunchtime.  

Any queries do contact me.

Mrs Stapleton
Head of RE
Mrs Barnes
Director of Music

Bad Weather Procedure

It is the school’s policy to remain open during periods of bad weather where reasonably possible. However, there may be occasions where opening the school may not be possible for health and safety reasons, or indeed when travel to school for pupils and staff may be especially dangerous.

If we do decide to close the school due to bad weather overnight, we would inform parents in the following ways:

  • The school website will be updated with details of the closure. This is likely to be the first thing we are able to do as it does not require a member of staff to be in school
  • All parents will be informed by text message and email
  • Home Learning will be put in place for the children as soon as practically possible (this may not be on the first day of closure)

If we need to close the school during the normal day we will follow the same procedure as outlined above. Members of staff will of course stay with any uncollected children in this event until their parents or guardians are able to come and collect. If this does occur, parents should please come to the front of the school and report to reception.

Joe Thackway


Co-Curricular Lent Term 2023

SOCS has been updated with all the Co-Curricular Clubs for next term.  These start week commencing 9 January 2023 and run until 17 March 2023.

There are some slight changes so that a range of children and year groups can enjoy the experiences. 

It is great that so many children are involved.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head


No Nuts In School - Reminder

Dear Parents

Crescent School aims to be a nut-free zone. Whilst we cannot guarantee that children won’t come into contact with nuts or products with nut traces whilst at school, we endeavour to reduce this risk as far as we can.

There are currently five children in school with a known nut allergy. Exposure to nuts for these children could result in serious consequences. I know that you, like me, would do anything reasonably possible to prevent this from happening.

Our 'Nut-Free Zone' means that the following items must not be brought into school:

  • Cakes made with nuts and marzipan
  • Packs of nuts
  • Peanut butter/Nutella sandwiches
  • Fruit and cereal bars that contain nuts
  • Chocolate bars or sweets that contain nuts
  • Sesame seed rolls (children allergic to nuts may also have a severe reaction to sesame)

No nuts are used in any of the food prepared on site at our school. Our suppliers provide us with nut-free products. However, we cannot guarantee freedom from nut traces.

We ask all parents to support us in this policy by making absolutely sure that mid-morning snacks are nut-free and not using nuts in cakes provided for bake sales or fund-raising events.

Joe Thackway