Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

I hope you enjoy this final edition of the Courier for the half term. We have worked hard here at school throughout the last six weeks, with so much going on in the classrooms, on the playing fields and in the music rooms. There are some great sporting exploits to read about elsewhere in the newsletter as well as reports from in and around the classes.

It was lovely to finish today with a colourful non-uniform day raising money for the Children’s Hospital in Birmingham, which is such an excellent cause to support. We also had a theatre workshop throughout the day which the children always love and provided a lot of laughs and fun.

We have continued to support Black History Month over the last couple of weeks, with interesting assemblies on the lives of Walter Tull, a black professional footballer and army officer in the First World War, and Kathryn Johnson, a NASA space scientist. Both of these real-life stories provided the children with lots to think about and a sense of wonder and amazement about what humans are capable of achieving despite challenging circumstances.

It has been a busy half term and I’m sure the children are now ready for their break, as I expect the staff are as well. I hope you have something nice planned or, if you aren’t going away, you are able to spend some quality time with the children, which is more important than anything else.

Over the break, we will have some re-surfacing taking place of the paths at the front of the school. I am excited to see what this looks like and it will be something for you all to look out for when you return on 31 October. I look forward to seeing you and the children all again safe and sound on that date and wish you a happy half term holiday.

Joe Thackway