Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

I hope you have all enjoyed a productive week at work and home. It has felt like a good, hard-working autumn term week here in school, with lots of lovely work appearing in the corridors and on the display boards now that we are well into the term.

It was wonderful to see so many of you here for the harvest services earlier in the week. We had over 200 people attending the two services in total, and you will have enjoyed seeing the children taking part in their first performance to parents of the year. The days have had an autumnal feel to them this week and this, combined with the singing and music, will, I hope, have left those who were able to attend with a cosy warm feeling to see you through the day and the rest of the week.

We look forward to seeing many of you back in school next week for the first of our parent consultation evenings of the year.

Another first this week were the learning mentor meetings that took place this morning. Year 1 have been involved for the first time and got to know their new mentors. Hopefully they should be able to discuss the targets they agreed with you when they come home this evening. These meetings have a number of really positive effects, not only focusing the children on their next steps for learning, but also helping to build relationships across the school between staff members and children of all ages.

Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to our Rugby Food Bank collection this term, your gifts are much appreciated. On the charity front, this combines with our clothes collection for Bags 2 School and also the Macmillan coffee morning on the field today. In amongst your busy days and all the demands that are made on you, we do appreciate your continued generosity and support.

Have a great weekend

Joe Thackway