
Accelerated Reading For Year 3

I know that you will be keen to start Accelerated Reading, we are also keen to keep making good progress and a love of reading. As soon as we can there will be an assessment to get them started on Accelerated Reading and then they will be guided to specific levels of books, in the meantime they can read a book of their choice and their enjoyment level.

All quizzing is to now be done at home as there will be no Accelerated Reading quiz time before school due to not being able to mix year groups. This will be available 7.00am and 7.00pm everyday even on weekends, the children can then feedback in their English lessons to their teacher and be rewarded as before.

All reading will be monitored closely by Mrs Dowling and Mrs Yates, we know that reading is a foundation to so much learning, children's reading will be listened to in school safely but no volunteer readers will be able to support reading, for the time being. Please support your child's reading at home too, listening to them read regularly.

Please use this link when the children have been taught how to quiz and save it:

Accelerated Reading Year 3

Children will receive their login details which will be given to them in the first few weeks of term and a letter to guide you will be sent out when children are ready to quiz at home. They can read books from our library and classroom but they will be put into quarantine for 3 days before being returned to the shelf for other children to borrow safely. 

You are all invited to an information session about our online platforms on Tuesday 15 September, details will be sent out shortly, this will enable you to understand and help your child in their learning.

Thank you for your support with reading.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head
Mrs Yates
Year 3 Form Tutor

Accelerated Reading For Years 4-6

I know how keen you will all be to get back to Accelerated Reading. We really want to re-establish good routines and continue progress with our reading provision. We also want to make sure this is all done safely for all involved.

All quizzing is to now be done at home as there will be no Accelerated Reading quiz time before school, due to not being able to mix year groups. This will be available 7:00am to 7.00pm everyday even on weekends, children can then feedback in their English lessons to their teacher and be rewarded as before.

All reading will be monitored closely as before by TAs and teachers, we know that reading is a foundation to so much learning, children's reading will be listened to in school safely but no volunteer readers will be able to support reading, for the time being. Please support your child's reading at home too, listening to them read regularly, even the Year 6 children appreciate it.

Please use this link and save it:

Accelerated Reading Years 4-6

Children will receive their login details which will be given to them in the first few days of term. They can continue to read books from our library but they will be put into quarantine for 3 days before being returned to the shelf. 

Any questions please get in touch with your form tutor.

Thank you for your support with reading.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Reading In Pre-Prep

We are all keen to establish good reading routines as we return to school as we value reading highly at Crescent. We are also aware of keeping everyone involved safe, so we wanted to share some protocols we are putting in place:

  • Children will be given a book to read and a reading record in their folder during the first week of term. As you know, parents and staff work together listening to children read at home everyday and in school everyday, communicating through the reading record - this communication is really valuable. 
  • All reading at school will be done at a safe distance, we will use gloves to handle books and write in their reading record book. When a book is returned, completed to school, we will quarantine it for 3 days before we return it to the shelf or share with another child.
  • They will have access to Reading Bugs (an online platform) to supplement their reading, details about this will be shared by form teachers and there is an information session for parents about learning platforms that children have access to on Monday 14 September.  Details of this will be sent out shortly.

Thank you for your support with reading.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head
Mr Webb
Head of Pre-Prep

Co-Curricular Clubs

We are looking forward to the children participating in the co-curricular clubs that they have signed up to, starting next week. Please remind yourselves of the times and days they are running either via the calendar or SOCS

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Top Tips For Navigating The Courier

To help families new to the school, and as a reminder for all, we thought we would share some tips for navigating The Courier on your phone.

Each weekly edition of The Courier will have a general overview message followed by an index list of the news and information, split into categories, as clickable title links.

Top Tip - Save the link below into your bookmarks so you can view the Courier in your browser whenever is convenient each week:

The Courier

Here are some more tips for navigating The Courier on your phone:

  • Click the title link of the article or event you are interested in (this will open the newsletter in your browser with the article you have selected)
  • From here you can scroll through all the articles in this category
  • To get back to the top of a category quickly, use the green arrow in the bottom right of your browser. Click this and you will jump to the top of the page, the category index
  • The category index will list all the articles in that category that week
  • Select ‘Newsletter Index’, to return you to the main newsletter index listing all the categories and articles
  • To move between different editions of The Courier use the green button with three white lines at the top of the newsletter. Click this and you can choose which weekly edition of The Courier you would like to browse.
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