Welcome to The Courier, Crescent School's electronic newsletter.

This week Class I has a visit from Freshwater Theatre and enjoyed a 'trip to the seaside'.  Do read all about it and see some photos of their fun.  There is also an article showing some of the Foundation's news articles that have made the press.

Please also view the calendar as there are some changes to co-curricular clubs this week. 

The cover photo is of Class I.

Click here to email the Courier.


Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

I write to you this week from the IAPS conference in South Wales. This is a great opportunity to meet heads from other independent schools, share ideas and advice as well as taking part in the many workshops and lectures on offer.

We have covered areas including school improvement, assessment, equality, the challenges of Brexit, staff and pupil wellbeing in school, inspiring children to become transformational leaders, as well as all of the legal and compliance updates. I will return to work next week with a bucketful of good ideas I’m sure.

This Saturday sees the school’s 70th celebrations getting into full swing with events planned in school for the afternoon and a gala dinner over at Princethorpe in the evening.

Many thanks to all of the committee members for the enormous amount of hard work they have put into organising these celebrations. I know they are a bit anxious that everything goes well so I do urge you to come along and show your support if you possibly can.

Joe Thackway

School Promise Rule Of The Week

For a two or three week period this year we will be focusing on one of the sayings in the new School Promise. We will talk about this in assembly and in form period. It would be great if you could discuss this with your children at home and support the messages we are emphasising in school.

This week we feature Good Learners and a good motto for our Class VI children as they approach their entrance exams:

‘We work hard and try our best'

Joe Thackway

Weekly Information

Weekly Calendar

Please click on the link below to view the weekly calendar.  This details all the co-curricular clubs running, fixtures and additional information.

Weekly Calendar 1 October

Crescent School


Crescent’s Class I ‘Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside’

The Michaelmas Term is well underway but Class I are holding on to their memories of summer by exploring the super salty topic of seaside holidays.  This Wednesday 26 September they took a special trip to the seaside thanks to the fabulous Freshwater Theatre Company.    

The class has been studying seaside holidays using the topic to develop their knowledge of the past and appreciation of the differences in the present.  Freshwater Theatre came into school to bring their studies to life in a participative drama workshop.  The children had a memorable and engaging trip through seaside holidays from the Edwardian era through to the modern day.  They explored how holidays and pastimes have changed over the past century in a lively session packed full of seaside fun.

The drama workshop looked at the differences in transport, clothing, entertainment, the food eaten, sun protection, how memories were recorded and even changes in attitudes.

During the day the children also explored seaside music, created sand art projects, studied and sorted seaside pictures and produced posters on their learning.  The special day was finished off with a very enjoyable traditional Punch and Judy show. 

Class I teacher, Mrs Emery, commented, “The children have really enjoyed today, they had a bucketful of fun and learnt lots about seaside holidays in the past.  They developed their historical skills, their knowledge of the changes that have happened during the last century and they were all able to share the new information they had learned from the day.”

Well done Class I you clearly all do like to be beside the seaside!

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Crescent School's Admissions Newsletter Published

The latest edition of Crescent School's Admissions e-newsletter has just been published. The newsletter is full of articles that help give prospective parents a feel for school life, information on forthcoming events and helpful advice about the admissions process, particularly for those who are looking at entry in September 2019.

The newsletter reminds parents that our Open Day takes place on Friday 5 October between 10.00am and 3.00pm and our Reception Open Evening on Tuesday 20 November between 7.00pm and 8.00pm.

The newsletter is issued twice a year to coincide with key admissions periods, the next edition will be available in spring 2019.

Click here to go to the Admissions Update newsletter.

If you have any queries relating to admissions please feel free to email the team at admissions@crescentschool.co.uk.

Harvest Appeal 2018 With Rugby Foodbank

We were pleased to welcome Corrine Mason from Rugby Foodbank to our assembly on Tuesday 17 September.  Corrine shared with us the important work the Foodbank do and the difference it can make to many families in our town.  She also shared the bible story of when Jesus fed 5000 people, where one small boy was willing to share what he had with those around him.

Our Harvest collection will be for Rugby Foodbank and over the next few weeks the children have been asked to bring in goods to donate. Please click here to see the list of suitable donations; they do not need to be put in decorated boxes, there will be crates to add supplies to under the FOC table at the student entrance.

Thank you in advance, for your continued support for such a worthy cause. We look forward to handing over our gifts at our Harvest Service on Friday 12 October at 9.15am where you are all welcome to join us.

Mrs Stapleton
Class III Teacher

Foundation Schools: In The News

Click on the attachment below to download the latest ‘In the News’ posters featuring some of the Foundation's recent media coverage.

In the News

In the last few months we have had stories in the local press including the Leamington Courier, Kenilworth News, Rugby Advertiser, Daventry Express, Leamington Observer, Rugby and Lutterworth Observer and the Coventry and Warwickshire Telegraph.  The Foundation has also been featured in Catholic Today and the Independent Schools’ magazine Attain.

Board Games Wanted

Do you have any board games you no longer play with? If so, our board gaming club would love to have them. We meet every Friday to share the fun and enjoyment of playing games together.

The benefits of playing board games are far-reaching; they teach important social skills, such as communicating verbally, sharing, waiting, taking turns, and enjoying interaction with others. Board games can foster the ability to focus, and lengthen your child's attention span by encouraging the completion of an exciting, enjoyable game.

We’re looking to build up a wide variety of games for our club so if you have anything you’d like to donate, please send them into school.

Many Thanks

Mrs Yates and the board gamers


Platinum Anniversary Celebrations For All The Family

Saturday 29 September 2018 - 2.00pm - 4.00pm

It is our big Platinum Anniversary celebration this Saturday. 

All parents, pupils, families, Old Crescentians, trustees and former staff are invited to join us at school between 2pm and 4pm on Saturday 29 September. 

The Bilton Silver Band will be performing from 2pm and our choir will be singing from 3pm in a marquee out on the sport's field. There are family games for you to enjoy on the field and there are refreshments for you to buy at at our Crescent 'Tea Room' situated in the hall. 

This is not an obligatory day (the children do not even have to wear school uniform), but we would love you all to come and help us celebrate Crescent School's anniversary.  We hope you and your family will enjoy looking at the displays that children and staff have put together on the Crescent past and present and finding out about the changes that have occurred over the past 70 years.

Children do need to be accompanied by an adult while they are here.

Parking will be available in the School Playground, at Bilton Bowls Club and at St Mark's Church, Bilton.

We look forward to welcoming you, and hope you enjoy the day.  It may even bring back memories of when you were at school yourself.

Ms Lowe
Senior Teacher

Slapton Sands Information Session

Thursday 4 October 2018 - 4.00pm

All Class VI parents are invited to an information session about the residential trip to Slapton Ley Centre. This will be an opportunity for you to find out what happens there, note the key dates and ask any questions. We will soon be asking for you to sign up for this trip, securing your child's place with a small deposit.

This will be held in the Class VI form room at 4.00pm on Thursday 4 October 2018. Your child is also welcome and there will be light refreshments served. It should last no more than 30 minutes.

Ms Lowe
Class VI Teacher


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Crescent School Open Day For Prospective Parents - Reminder

Friday 5 October 2018 - 10.00am to 3.00pm

The Crescent School is opening its doors to prospective parents for an Open Day on Friday 5 October from 10.00am to 3.00pm.

This is an opportunity to look around the school and to meet staff and pupils on a normal working day. All are welcome, no need to book, so please do help us spread the word.

If you can't make the Open Day but would like to visit the school, please call our Registrar, Mrs Helen Morley, on 01788 523851 and come on a day to suit you, we welcome visitors on most days.

For more information visit www.crescentschool.co.uk or see the Admissions Newsletter here.

Rock UK Drop In Session

Monday 8 October - 4.00pm

The three day residential to Rock UK Frontier Centre has been booked for the last three days of Lent Term, 8-10 April 2019. There will be a brief drop in session on Monday 8 October for an overview of what can be expected from the trip and how it is organised. This will be held in VY classroom at 4.00pm and you may bring your child with you.

Many of the pupils have been before and some of the activities we have chosen are the same (don't worry King Swing is booked!).

If you are undecided please come and see us and ask any questions you may still have. Please note that there will be a kit list and details meeting much nearer the time. If you are already decided please respond to the Evolve email that should have reached you last week.

Ms Forth
Trip Leader




Reading Eggs Certificates

Reading Eggs certificates have this week been awarded to:
  • Alice Diamond
  • Harry Slaytor
  • Olivia McLoughlin
  • Sam Bierton
Mr Webb
Class II Teacher and Assistant Head
Head of Pre-Prep


U10 Boys Football Round Up

Crescent's Under 10 Footballers have been busy.  On Monday 17 September they played in Princethorpe College Primary Football Tournament and the boys played some excellent football.  James Wright was confident in tackling and heading at the back whilst Keshav Gupta was a calmer more ‘ball playing’ defender alongside him. Tom Ferguson showed progress with great work in both boxes, he was ably supported in midfield by the hard work of George Bell and Matthew Thomas. George Crowfoot played up front and showed off his ball skills. Crescent won four out of the five matches with George Bell scoring the majority of the goals.

This Monday, Crescent played in the ISA Midlands 5-a-side tournamanet.  They held their positions exceptionally well and caused all their opponents problems with their flow up the field.  Crackley Hall were the eventual winners and Crescent gave them a good game - the score was 1-1 for most of the match. Squandered chances meant that the boys didn’t get the results that they deserved from all their hard work. Tom Ferguson stood out as an attacking force and Josh Gorbutt was outstanding in goal, making up for others' mistakes on occasions. Keshav Gupta scored his first goal for the school from the spot before quickly following it up with his second from range.

Two really promising performances from the boys. The Foremarke Tournament is coming up and will give the boys a chance to develop even more.

Mr Phillips 
Head of PE 
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Class VI Market Day Total Raised

Thank you to everyone who came along and supported last week's Class VI market day. In total they raised £201.58 which is absolutely fantastic.

Going forward, where possible, we will continue to hold the market days in the school hall as we received feedback that is was much easier to navigate inside rather than outside. 

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair

Class V Market Day

Friday 12 October 2018 3.45pm - 4.45pm

Please come along and support us by buying cakes and sweets, all priced at 50p each. All the money raised at these market day events goes towards buying toys, crafts and stationary for privilege time for the Class.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair

Parents' Quiz Night

Friday 12 October 2018 - 7.30pm

Our annual Quiz Night hosted by Ms Forth will take place in the school hall from 7.30pm. It costs £5 per person to enter. Please bring your own food and drink. Tables will be up to 8 people with prizes to be won.

Class reps will be responsible for getting teams together so look out for an email from them. Please pay by either cash or cheque (payable to 'The Friends of Crescent') and place your money in the green FoC box, which is situated inside the pupil entrance, in an envelope, clearly marked 'Quiz Night' by Tuesday 9 October.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair


Next FoC Meeting

Monday 12 November 2018 - 3.45pm

Please come and join us to discuss the last remaining events of the term including the Christmas Bazaar.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair


Movie Night

Friday 16 November 5.00pm - 6.30pm

The movie for this event will be Hotel Transylvania 3 which will be released on the Monday of that week.

The movie will cost £5 per child (£3 for all Reception children as they have to be accompanied by a parent or caregiver) and this will include the movie plus a drink and snack.

If you would like your child to attend this please put their name down in the book on the FoC table and include your phone number, child's name and year.

The movie will start at 5.00pm so please drop your child off at the front entrance then. The movie will finish at approx. 6.30pm and we will dismiss all the children from the side pupil entrance.

Please either pay (cash or cheque) on the evening or place the money inside an envelope clearly marked with your child's name and 'movie night'.  Cheques to be made payable to 'Friends of Crescent'.

If you would like your child to go into after school before the movie please place their name down on the usual after school sheet. if you would like them to eat before the movie, please tick the tea option and we will ensure that they eat prior to the film starting.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair

Parents' Christmas Night Out

Friday 14 December - 7.30pm

We have booked the private loft function room at the Distillery from 7.30pm. More details on this will follow later in the term.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair


Lunch Menu Week Commencing 1 October 2018

Please click on the link below to view the upcoming lunch menu: 

Crescent Menu Week Commencing 1 October 2018

Thursday there will be a Hawaiian theme at lunchtime for the Children to enjoy a 'Tiki Bar'.

Tiki Bar Menu

Crescent School Office



Found Girl's Coat

Is anyone missing a girls navy coat, age 9-10, which was found after last Friday's Platinum Anniversary theme day?

Please let the school office know if you think it belongs to you.

Thank you.

Mrs Stapleton
Class Teacher


Useful School Contact Information

Please see below for useful school contact information:

Crescent School Office
01788 521595
Postal address: Crescent School, Bawnmore Road, Bilton, Rugby CV22 7QH
After School Club
01788 523850
Bills, Fees and Online Payment
01926 634273
01788 523851
School Shop and Uniform
01926 634272
Princethorpe College General Office
01926 634200
Pathfinders Nursery
01788 813666
twitter:    @CrescentSchRug
facebook: @cres.school

Term Dates For 2018-2019

Michaelmas Term
Term starts Monday 03 September 2018
Half Term Saturday 20 October to Sunday 04 November 2018
Term ends Tuesday 18 December 2018

Lent Term
Term starts Monday 7 January 2019
Half Term Saturday 16 February to Sunday 24 February 2019
Term ends Wednesday 10 April 2019

Trinity Term
Term starts Monday 29 April 2019
Half Term Saturday 25 May to Sunday 2 June 2019
Term ends Wednesday 3 July 2019

Job Vacancy – Assistant Head (Academic) – Crackley Hall School

We seek to appoint an Assistant Head (Academic) as a member of the Senior Management Team to take a major role in determining, implementing and evaluating the agreed aims of the school and all school policies.

The post requires you to promote the smooth running of the School, maintaining the ethos of a caring Christian school family with a Catholic school base.

The successful candidate will work closely with, report to and advise the Headmaster in all areas of school life, with specific responsibility for Academic matters. The Headmaster is assisted by a Deputy Head and three Assistant Heads who, collectively, take full responsibility for the welfare and development of the school and, in his absence, deputise accordingly.

This is an excellent opportunity to join the fast growing Foundation that values its staff and offers a rewarding benefits package including discounted places for staff, a pension scheme, child care vouchers and a cycle to work scheme.

Application: To apply for this vacancy applicants must submit a Crackley Hall application form, together with a CV and covering letter detailing your personal qualities, experience and how you meet the person specification for the role. Applicants must ensure the application form is fully completed, including a detailed career history with specific dates.

Closing date: Wednesday 10 October 2018, at 12 noon and interviews are likely to be held on Monday 15 October (with the possibility of including Tuesday 16 October as an additional day if necessary).

Further details and an application form are available from the school website www.crackleyhall.co.uk/employment-opportunities

Job Vacancy – Foundation Marketing and Communications Co-Ordinator

The Foundation is known for its innovative and strategic approach to Marketing and Communications and we seek to appoint, ideally from November 2018, a full-time, year round Foundation Marketing and Communications Co-ordinator to help take this forward.

Key responsibilities will include managing the Foundation’s annual marketing cycle, particularly in support of admissions and pupil recruitment, including a wide range of events, promotional and digital marketing activity.  Part of a busy, friendly and ambitious Marketing, Admissions and Communications Team, this varied role will suit a dynamic individual with relevant experience, excellent written and verbal communications skills, strong organisational and interpersonal skills, creativity and initiative.

This is an excellent opportunity to join the fast growing Foundation that values its staff and offers a rewarding benefits package including discounted places for staff, a pension scheme, child care vouchers and a cycle to work scheme.

Salary:  £25,000 - £32,000 FTE, depending on qualifications and relevant experience.

Members of staff working in the Foundation enjoy a considerable discount on school fees for their own children at Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall School, five weeks’ holiday plus bank holidays, pension contributions, child care vouchers and a cycle to work scheme. 

Application: To apply for this vacancy applicants must submit a Princethorpe College application form, together with a CV and covering letter detailing your personal qualities, experience and how you meet the person specification for the role. Applicants must ensure the application form is fully completed, including a detailed career history with specific dates.

Further details and an application form are available from the College website www.princethorpe.co.uk/employment-opportunities

Closing date: Monday 8 October 2018 at 9.00am with interviews likely to be held on Thursday 11 October, at Princethorpe College.

Job Vacancy – Teacher Of Mathematics

(Maternity cover: full-time and part-time considered)

Required for November 2018, after the Michaelmas half term break, a well-qualified graduate to teach Mathematics to KS3 and KS4 in a flourishing and successful department. Familiarity with Pearson’s IGCSE would be an additional recommendation, but is not essential.

Candidates should be able to demonstrate success in the classroom and be effective team players. Full and part-time applications will be considered. 

This is an excellent opportunity to join the fast growing Foundation that values its staff and offers a rewarding benefits package.

Application: To apply for this vacancy applicants must submit a Princethorpe College application form, together with a CV and covering letter detailing your personal qualities, experience and how you meet the person specification for the role. Applicants must ensure the application form is fully completed, including a detailed career history with specific dates.

Closing date: for applications is Monday 1 October 2018, at 9.00am. Interviews are likely to be held shortly after, at Princethorpe.

Further details and an application form are available from the College website