FoC - Mothers Day Crafts

This year for Mothers Day your child can decorate a fabric tote/shopping bag. This will be presented in a hand decorated paper bag with some love hearts for only £5. All the decorating will be done at lunchtime and the children will then bring the decorated bags home on the Thursday or Friday before Mothers Day.

The children love these activities and we are very happy to decorate for Grandmas, Grannys, Aunties and other significant females in your child's life. The sign up sheet will be sent out electonically next week so please look out for it.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair


FoC - Contact Information

Below are the details of the FoC Year Group Representatives. These reps will communicate with you on all our events via email, whatsapp or facebook. 

Year Group 1st Rep 2nd Rep
Reception Vicky Morley Lisa Millward
Year 1 Sanda Mocanu Fatima Masood
Year 2 Inez de Koning Karen Williams
Year 3 Emilie Crowfoot Claire Brosnan
Year 4 Semma King Anita Somerset
Year 5 Kal Mistry Amy Sarkies
Year 6 Emma Wells Victoria Akbik


Chairperson Zara Corbin
Treasurer Nick Brosnan
Secretary Amy Sarkies
Pre-Loved Uniform Louise Symons  
Staff Reps Ms Forth and Mrs Webb  
FoC Facebook:  
Zara Corbin
FoC Chair

FoC - Payment Information

The FoC is no longer be accepting cheques as a form of payment. 

We have purchased a card payment system and will now be accepting bank transfers or cash only.

Many thanks

Nick Brosnan
FoC Treasurer