Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

Happy new year to everybody and welcome to our first newsletter of a new decade. It has been great this week seeing the children cheerfully coming back to school and enjoying meeting up with their friends. It has made for a nice quiet start to the new year with everyone finding their feet and getting back into their term time routines.

In my first assembly this week I focused on the idea of making a new style of resolution. Rather than repeating the usual ones about eating more healthily and doing more exercise, I asked the children to think about their learning habits. These can make a genuine impact on pupil achievement. In particular I talked about the ability to listen to advice and be willing to make mistakes and reflect honestly on them. This seems like quite a simple thing, but it can have such an enormous impact on the ability to learn and progress. As teachers, we all know of children who find it hard to keep an open mind and as a result close themselves off to opportunities for self-improvement. We probably all know adults like that as well. It is a theme I will be talking much more about as the year develops.

Next week we look forward to the LAMDA showcase events for the upper school children. These are something we have brought in in recent years and they provide an excellent chance for the children to practise their public speaking skills in a supportive environment before their exams the following week. I hope to see many of you there.

In the meantime, have a great weekend.

Joe Thackway