Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents,

It was great to see all of the children bright and cheery returning to school on Monday morning. The two-week break in the middle of this, the longest term of the year, has given everyone a chance to recharge the batteries, they are now ready to focus again on school life, in and out of the classroom. I know that many families were able to get away over the holiday and the children have been sharing with us their tales of their various adventures. My personal highlight was a couple of days in the Lake District and persuading and cajoling my family to climb Bow Fell, on what was was a cold but beautifully clear autumn day.

To add to the excitement of the new half term there was a very popular pumpkin competition on Monday and Tuesday and this produced a wide range of imaginative and cleverly made designs that were a great addition to the science lab, at least for a couple of days. There was a bit of a smell to them as well, so Mrs Byrne was very glad to receive them but also quite relieved to return them to their owners on Halloween day! The winners were announced in assembly earlier in the week although I am sure it was not an easy job for the house masters to judge.

As I go to press we are also looking forward to the visit of Image Theatre company who I am sure will provide us all with a morning of great drama excitement and fun. When you look across the calendar at the wide variety of lessons, clubs, trips, workshops, events, fixtures and activities that the children have here it is satisfying to reflect on all of the wonderful opportunities that come their way in the busy life of the school.

For me it has been a long week with lots of late meetings and I finish it off this evening with a trip to the Princethorpe prize giving ceremony at Warwick University. I know that there will be a good representation of old Crescent pupils and families. I hope to see some of you there.

I wish you all a good bonfire night. Please stay safe, I am sure you will.

With all best wishes,

Joe Thackway