
Accelerated Reader Half Term Winners!

Every child in Years 3 to 6 who achieve 85% or above when they quiz on a book are awarded a star. The stars are put into a lucky dip for each class every half term to win a little prize. 

This half term's winners are: Eve Ferguson, Arabella Drinkwater, Chloe Wensley, Oliver Bentley and Ethan Capelett. Well done to all of you. 

Remember; the more stars you get, the higher the chance of winning. 

Sarah Lowe
Class VI Teacher

Junior da Vinci Round-Up

What an amazing start to our Junior da Vinci programme! Many children have been awarded a creativity, mastery or practice sticker through many aspects of school life. The children have appreciated that any one of them has the potential to attain an award.

Please take a look at our ever changing Junior da Vinci board by the pupil entrance. If any parents are unsure of how to encourage your child, there will be handouts attached to the board.

Make sure to check out the article below to see who has received Junior da Vinci Awards this week - well done to all!

Sarah Lowe
Class VI Teacher and Junior da Vinci Lead

Poetry Competition - The Might Nose Awards

Sometimes children enjoy having a real purpose that motivates them to write. Perhaps your child would love to write a poem about smells! If so, The Mighty Nose Awards is back and looking for children aged 7-11 years to create smell-inspired poems for the chance to win prizes for themselves and for their schools.

For more information, please visit: or view our competitions board. Please do let me know if you enter. 

Sarah Lowe
Class VI Teacher and Junior da Vinci Lead

11+ Scores And Placings For Class VI

Tuesday 24 October 10.00am - 1.00pm

On Tuesday 24 October Mrs Lowe and Mr Thackway will be available in school to discuss the 11+ results and placings between 10.00am and 1.00pm. If you are unable to make this date, Mrs Lowe will be available during the second week of half term via email, if that is more convenient.

Even if you do not wish to discuss it, we ask that you send us your child's score and placing for our own records.

Sarah Lowe
Class VI Teacher


Junior da Vinci Awards

The following children have received Junior da Vinci Awards this week. Congratulations to all.

Name Award Subject Name  Award Subject
Rosina Watson Creativity English Freya Smith Creativity English
Grace Mercer  Creativity  RE Sienna Moran Mastery Geography
Isabelle Slaytor Mastery Geography George Bell  Mastery Geography 
Chris Gibson  Mastery  English  Anton Tran  Practice  Maths 
Chloe Wensley  Mastery Science  Jay Patil  Mastery  Maths 
Amy Robinson  Creativity  English  Ella Brown  Creativity  English 
Vignesh Sadasivan  Mastery  Maths  Harry Barnwell  Mastery  Geography 
Josh Gorbutt  Creativity   English Phoebe Causer  Mastery  Geography 
Amelie Frere  Creativity  English  Advay Pophali  Mastery  Maths 
Maya Patel  Creativity  Maths  Idan Dar  Mastery  IT 
Alyssa Barnett Mastery  IT Isla Barrack  Mastery  IT 
Jessica Sarkies  Mastery  Geography  Maryn Yates  Creativity  English 
Harriett Gray  Creativity  English  Olivia Cooke  Creativity  PE 
Olivia McLoughlin  Creativity  PE  Tegan McLeod  Mastery  English 
Stephanie Bolton  Mastery  PE  Kai Panchal 


Gabriel White  Creativity  History  Dylan Hopkins  Creativity  History 
Dylan Hopkins  Practice  English  Chris Gibson  Creativity  History 
Alex Reynolds  Mastery  English  Ella Knight  Creativity  English 
Daniel Pinks  Creativity  Maths  Oliver Bell  Creativity  Maths 
Oliver Bell  Mastery  English  Oliver Bell  Mastery  IT
William Howcroft Mastery IT Robyn Shaw Creativity English
Mehul Patel  Creativity  Maths  Vignesh Sadasivan  Creativity  Maths 
Olivia Monk  Creativity  Maths  Anton Tran  Creativity  Maths 
Lucy Hardy  Creativity  Maths  Arabella Dughmosh  Mastery  Maths 
Olivia Fox Practice Maths Rayan Usman Mastery Maths
Harry Richards Practice PE Harry Richards Practice Maths
Rebecca Monteith  Practice  Games  Matthew Thomas  Creativity  English 
Matthew Thomas Creativity English Henry Corbin Creativity English
George Bell Mastery  IT George Bell Mastery Maths
Georgia Dowling Mastery Games Amelie Edge Practice  Games
Michael Mercer Practice Science William Howcroft  Practice  English 
Samuel Lau Practice English Henry Kilner Practice English
Clara Woolf Mastery Games Olivia Sarkies Mastery Games
Olivia Sarkies Creativity Games Josh Gorbutt Creativity Geography
Ella Knight Mastery Science      

Accelerated Reader

The following children have been awarded Accelerated Reader Awards this week. Congratulations to all.

Georgia Dowling, Christopher Gibson, Chloe Wensley and Clara Woolf.



Reading Eggs

Reading Eggs certificates have, this week, been awarded to Shayla Panchal, Harry McBean, Damilola Oredope, Roisin Banks, Alex Grove and Emily Barnwell.

Congratulations to all.

Alan Webb
Class II Teacher and Assistant Head - Head of Pre-Prep