
Non Uniform Day

On Friday 13 October we will be holding a non-uniform day in aid of this term's charity, Guide Dogs for the Blind. We are encouraging all children to bring at least £1 each into school to give to Form Teachers, to contribute to our ongoing fundraising to sponsor a puppy.

You can wear casual clothes on that day but should have sensible footwear please.

On your way in, there will be an additional competition to guess the number of biscuits in the jar for 50p a go. This will be added to our charity total for the day and there will be a prize for the winner.

E Monteith & S Stapleton

Foundation News: Princethorpe College Open Days

Thursday 2 November 2017 - 10.30am - 12.30pm

The College is holding an Open Morning on Thursday 2 November from 10.30am to 12.30pm.  Pupil tour guides will be available to show visitors around the school. 

Please do spread the word amongst friends and family, all are very welcome.

For further information please visit