Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

We have certainly had some chilly starts this week. Keeping vigil at the gate with my Year 6 helpers has been a frosty challenge. I even got a reading of -4°C on my car thermometer driving in on Thursday morning, I think the coldest we have got to so far this autumn. This of course sets me thinking about the dreaded possibility of snow days and bad weather procedure. You will find a quick reminder on our protocols elsewhere in today’s Courier.

It was great to welcome back some of last year’s leavers earlier in the week who came over to talk to the Year 6 class about life at Princethorpe College and how they have made the transition to secondary school. This prospect can seem quite scary from the cosy confines of your friendly prep school and I hope this session went some way to alleviating worries and making the whole process seem much more normal and simply a natural progression from life at Crescent. Our Year 6 children are still waiting for their final offers and interviews but I should be in a position to update you on their successes before we break up for Christmas.

Our Promise theme this week is centred around the idea of forgiving each other and we started the week with an assembly based on the problem of how to fix a friendship when it has gone wrong. We agreed we knew how to fix a hole in a sock or a punctured tyre but it’s not always so easy to put things right when you fall out with your friends. Of course, having the courage to say ‘sorry’ and ‘don’t worry, that’s okay’ can be a great way to start. When dealing with social difficulties that quite naturally occur in a school, it is rare to find that all of the fault lies with one side and openness from both parties normally means issues can be addressed and a way forward starts to emerge.

As I write I am getting news of the girls’ endeavours over at Lee Valley in the ISA hockey tournament. It sounds like we are doing well and making sound progress, much as the boys did in the ESFA football tournament at Princethorpe College at the weekend. Well done to all those who took part.

It looks like things may warm up very slightly for the weekend. A significant part of my Sundays are currently spent on the touchline watching my youngest son’s football matches so I’ll certainly still be wrapping up warm. They haven’t won many games recently, so here’s to hoping for better luck this week.

With my best wishes

Joe Thackway

School Promise Rule Of The Week

For a two or three week period this year we will be focusing on one of the sayings in the new School Promise. We will talk about this in assembly and in form period.

This week we are back to the category of Good Friends and the idea of forgiveness and working things out. We all know that children don’t always get things right in their friendships and this can end up in upset and worry. Being able to say ‘sorry’ and ‘that’s okay’ can make all the difference.

Please support this message at home with your children

‘We forgive each other and work things out together’

Joe Thackway