Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents
The warm, dry weather continues unabated and I’m just waiting for the first news story about a drought and possible hosepipe restrictions to appear. By my calculations, we should be seeing a story along these lines any day now.

Bearing this in mind, whilst we look forward to next week’s sports days I would just remind parents and children to make sure they are properly supplied with drinks, hats and sun cream. We will be putting up gazebos to create some shade and will also have backup supplies of water. Of course, we would rather these kind of problems than worrying about the rain and whether we can run the event at all. I know these are always much anticipated events in the school calendar and I look forward to my first experience of them here at Crescent.

I started the week talking to the children about being a good sport and encouraging others, even when this might be hard to do. We watched a video of Nikki Hamblin in the Rio Olympics when she stopped in her race to go back to look after a fellow athlete who she had just unintentionally tangled with. Selfless acts like this are a great example to us all and serve to show that whilst winning and losing are something we can’t always control, the manner in which we play games is very much a matter of choice.

Our Year 5 pupils enjoyed a productive day over at Princethorpe College on Tuesday and were provided with a range of exciting activities as well as some delicious catering. I know that their parents also had productive meetings this week with Ms Forth and Ms Lowe. I managed to get over there myself and also got to see our Year 4 children enjoying their cricket fixture with Bedford School. They were all very keen to tell me just how sporting they had been and how they weren’t too worried about not winning. I think my assembly message had got through.

With two weeks to go now until we break up, staff here are working hard behind the scenes as we tick off the summer term events one by one. Apart from sports day next week we also have trips going out to Warwick Castle and Stratford Butterfly Farm as well as some important music exams later in the week. As I go to press, preparations for our Summer Fete are in full swing and I hope to see many of you here for that. Keep a close eye on the Courier and your inbox to ensure you are fully abreast of everything that’s going on.

I do hope you enjoy another sunny weekend.
Best wishes

Joe Thackway