
Class VI Deliver A Monster Performance Of The Demon Headmaster

The fiendish story of the Demon Headmaster was brought marvellously to life by Class VI in their final end of school production.  Gillian Cross’ classic bewitched and intrigued the audience as the title character used his power of hypnosis to try and take over the world.

The children had worked incredibly hard with Drama teacher, Miss Kim Thompson to prepare this special one off monster performance and the talented cast rose admirably to the challenge.  Performed for the first time 'in the round', with the audience on all sides, the children worked seamlessly together to manage the many scene and costume changes.

Head Boy Christopher Gibson was both stern and sinister in the role of the eponymous Headmaster, his piercing eyes hidden behind his dark glasses – removing them only to hypnotise his victims!  Robyn Shaw played super sleuth Dinah, who senses something is wrong at school and together with Alex and Harvey (Alex Reynolds and Gabriel White) and their secret society SPLAT (the Society for the Protection of our Lives Against Them) set about solving the mystery.  The prefects, the voice of the Headmaster, delivered their lines in a disciplined and forbidding tone and the ensemble of school children controlled and co-ordinated every movement to give a very real effect of being hypnotised.

Isobelle Clements deserves a very special sporting mention for getting splatted twice after Miss Thomspon cast her in two roles that both fell foul of Barry and Larry’s custard pies.

It was clear the audience really enjoyed the show, their thunderous applause a testament to yet another super example of the school’s broad provision for the arts.

Headmaster, Joe Thackway said, "Huge congratulations to all the cast for learning their lines so well and delivering them with meaning, expression and great timing, what a multi-talented group of young people they all are."

Thanks go to all the staff and parents who helped assist with the production.

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Class V Visit Rugby Art Gallery

On Thursday 7 June 2018, Class V visited the Rugby Art Gallery to provide enrichment to their art and design curriculum. The first hour was spent looking at studying and comparing pieces of artwork in the 'About Face' exhibition. They sketched and answered questions about their favourite piece and shared their views with one another.

The second hour was spent in the gallery's classroom, learning more about the artist LS Lowry before they created a class piece in his style. We were delighted when one of the gallery's helpers commented that the Crescent School had been the most well behaved children they have ever had visit the Gallery.

Well done Class V; you were a credit to our school.

Mrs Byrne
Art Teacher
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Inspire Learning In RE

This term, some of our students have been going above and beyond in RE.

Chloe and Freya, both in Year 4, have produced extended learning to enable them to become Junior da Vinci students in RE this term. Chloe borrowed the Message Bible and compared her favourite verses in a different translation and reflected on her understanding. Freya complied an informative PowerPoint on her own religion of Hinduism which can be used as a fantastic resource with our younger pupils.

In Class III, we have been looking at the Bible and its structure and Percy was so inspired by the graphic translation of the Action Bible that he went home, purchased one and has read it from cover to cover! I have really enjoyed following his progress and listening to the stories he has read and was delighted to award him a much deserved Junior da Vinci in Practice for his achievement!

Mrs Stapleton
Class Teacher
RE Subject Lead
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New Crescent School 'School Bags' Available To Purchase - Reminder

Dear Parents

As from September 2018 we will be introducing Crescent School school bags for all age groups. As you can see from the pictures, there are two versions, a shoulder bag for Reception to Class II and a backpack for Classes III to Class VI. I hope you will agree that these will be a really smart addition to the uniform and also help to generate a sense of belonging to the school community.

We have tested the bag for size and are convinced that they represent both excellent quality and value for money. Similar bags are also in use over at Crackley Hall who have given us very positive feedback regarding their strength and durability.

I am aware that many parents may have recently invested in new bags for their children, and for this reason the new bags will be an optional part of the uniform for the Michaelmas and Lent Terms. We would hope that all children will have the new bag by the beginning of the Trinity Term 2019. The bags will be compulsory for children starting the school.

Of course, we would be delighted if many of you choose to go over to the new bag with effect from September or even this term. They are available for purchase in the school on Monday 18 June from 3.00pm until 5.00pm, when Nicola Browne, Foundation Shop Manager, will be running a stall in the library.

Payments can be added to your bill for ease, or made in cash or by cheque during these sessions. Outside of these sessions, payments can be made by via your school fees account, or by cash, cheque or card.

Prices as follows:
Shoulder Bag: Reception - Class II - £8.00
Backpack: Class III - Class VI - £15.00

Joe Thackway
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