Reception Market Day Total

Well done to the amazing Reception parents who raised £173.66 at the cake sale just before half term. A great effort by everyone.

In total this year across all the cake sales we've raised £1035.37, which has been used to buy classroom equipment for the children.

That's a lot of cake so thank you to everyone for purchasing from us.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair

FoC Next Meeting

Monday 11 June 2018 - 3.45pm

The next meeting will be held on Monday 11 June at 3.45pm in the Art Room.  

Please come along and join us to discuss next term's activities. Children are able to be put into after school for free for this time.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair


Summer Fête

Friday 22 June - 3.20pm - 5.00pm

Our final event of the year is the Summer Fête. This year we will be having inflatables, donkeys, games (including some new ones and some old classics!), a tombola stall, adopt a teddy, candyfloss, face painting, nail painting and tattoos, cakes and refreshments, and the school raffle. The raffle tickets have already been sent home with your children, please return these to the FoC box by Wednesday 20 June.

We also require donations for our raffle and tombola stall so please do bring in any gifts you can spare like wine, pimms, champagne, luxury chocolates, children toys such as lego, sweets, craft items, board games, colouring sets etc. Please leave these items on the FoC table. We also have a list of suggested items on the FoC board if you need any inspiration. We also require any old teddies/cuddly toys for our adopt a teddy stall. Again, please leave these on our FoC table.

Kate will also be holding a preloved clothing stall at the Fête so please have a look and see if you have any spare uniform. Again, please leave this on the FoC table. Sports kit like hockey sticks would be fantastic too, however no sports shoes please.

With regards to the inflatables this year (weather dependent) we will be having a dragon run (long inflatable obstacle course), a super slide and a bouncy castle. Each of these items will be £2 per child, per session. You can purchase tickets for these inflatables and the donkeys from the change table beside the raffle stall. We will also be offering a £10 per child stamp which will allow them to go on all the inflatables and the donkeys as many times as they want, again this can be bought from the change stall. 

We look forward to seeing you!

Zara Corbin
Foc Chair

Summer Fête - Information For Reception And Year 1 Parents

The Summer Fête is this year is on Friday 22 June. This is always a very popular whole school event and you are of course all warmly invited to come along and join in the fun.

In line with the Christmas Bazzar, we would like to give the younger children the opportunity to come and have a go on the games and stalls before the rest of the school arrive. If you would like to take advantage of this, please arrive at the normal dismissing door to collect your child from 3.20pm on that day and you will be able to go to the sports field for half an hour or so before the rest of the older children come in.

Of course, if you are unable to get here for that time please do not worry, your children will be looked after by their usual teachers and staff. Any children who have not been collected early will be brought to the door at the normal time for collection.

Joe Thackway