
Junior da Vinci Students

As we approach the end of the year our Junior da Vinci students keep increasing as the children achieve all three components in a subject. This week big congratulations go to:

  • Alyssa Barnett for RE
  • Edward Fouracre for Maths
  • Faris Akbik for English
  • George Bell for Maths
  • Isla Barrack for Maths
  • Maisie Tucker for English (R&W)
  • Matthew Browne for Maths
  • Tegan McCleod for English
  • Vignesh Sadasivan for Science

Our Junior da Vinci badges have recently arrived and we will be awarding them very soon. Please keep an eye out for them.

Ms Lowe
Senior Teacher
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Accelerated Reader Achievements

The books just keep being read. Congratulations to Connor Kennedy and Henry Corbin for achieving 500,000 words this year.
Every Year 3 and 4 child who reads this amount receives a badge to mark their success in our celebration assembly on a Friday morning.
Well done.
Ms Lowe
Senior Teacher


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Reading Eggs Certificates

A Reading Eggs certificate has been awarded to Oliver Wright this week.
Congratulations to Oliver!
Mr Webb
Class II Teacher and Assistant Head
Head of Pre-Prep

The World in 2050 Competition

'The World in 2050' is a competition which asks students to respond to the question:

Will the world be a better place in 2050?

It is always good to have an opinion, so why not have a think, write up your answer and enter the competition.  All details can be found on the link below and on the Crescent's competitions board. The competition is open from 9.00am on 1 May 2018 to 9.00am on 25 May 2018.

World In 2050 Competition

Please do let me know that you have entered either in person or send me an email.

Ms Lowe
Senior Teacher