Around The Classes

Reception Round Up

Some of the things the children have been learning...
We have continued our ‘Hot and Cold’ topic and used stories, ‘Ridiculous’ and ‘A Little Bit of Winter’ to think about animals that hibernate. We have explored which animals hibernate and why.  We have explored hot and cold colours and created textured cold collages and ‘hotpotch’ hot pictures with marbling ink.
In maths we have been combining sets of objects to find the total. We have been adding one more for numbers to 10 and practised counting on from the biggest number.
Some of the things the children will be learning in the coming weeks...
In preparation for Valentine’s Day, we will be creating individual love potions and written love messages.
In maths we will be revisting addition and subtraction. We will be exploring simple language associated with both and the numerical pattern between both operations.

In phonics we have been introduced to blends;

lf as in self

lk as in milk

pt as in swept

xt as in next

tr as in tree

dr as in drip

gr as in grab

How to help your child at home…
  • Please clarify sounds that are mis pronounced such as th (often said as f)
  • Encourage the children to blend words when reading together
  • Explore rhyming words
  • Look closely at letter size and position when practising cursive writing
  • Practice writing numbers 0-10, correcting any reversals
  • Compare sizes of familiar objects using simple mathematical language
What’s coming up/notices/information...
Please remember to label all uniform items, including hats, scarfs and gloves.
Many children are now onto their second Reading Record book. Their first book can be kept at home as reference for support practise. 
Mrs Pullen
Reception Class Teacher              

Reception French

Reception have started learning the vocabulary for means of transport in French. They have been practising the relevant language with a song which has actions. Here they are playing a game with flashcards.

Mrs Day
MFL Teacher

Class 1Q French

Year 1 have been learning the vocabulary for breakfast foods in French. They have also been learning about the differences between breakfast in France and in England. Here they are practising their speaking and writing skills.

Mrs Day
Class 1Q MFL Teacher

Class 1Q Music

Pupils in Class 1Q have been learning how to keep to a beat and then how to create their own rhythm patterns. Using percussion instruments they played along with the song “I am a robot” and made up an accompaniment to go with the music.

Mrs Barnes
Class 1Q Music Teacher
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Class 2E Maths

Maths resources are always independently accessible for the children to support their learning so why not have a whole lesson focused just on them?

At the moment we are learning about data representation using Venn diagrams and Carroll diagrams, alongside properties of 3D shapes. This week the children really enjoyed creating their own ways to represent and sort data. Carroll diagrams were built using cubes, dienes, shells, links, Octo links, pegs and magnets. Shapes were sorted based on faces and vertices before moving on to sort all kinds of things around the classroom. So much fun learning.

Mrs Emery
Class 2E Form Teacher


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Class 2E Are Amazon Rainforest Weather Presenters

In Geography, children have been learning about the Amazon Rainforest – the location, structure, climate, rivers and landscapes. They have explored what trees, plants and animals live in each layer. Our budding weather reporters have written and recorded their own fabulous weather reports, creating QR codes to watch them in action.

Mrs Emery 
Class 2E Form Teacher

Class 2W Maths

Class 2W had fun with coins in a maths lesson this week. They went shopping around the classroom for items which they could spend their 10p and 20p pieces on. They then had to work out the change they needed. 

They were very keen to tell me what they enjoyed spending their own money on!

Mrs Yates
Maths Teacher

Year 2 Art

Class 2E and 2W had fun exploring the nature of clay and learnt how a wide range of shapes and textures can be made using their fingers or simple tools.

Mrs Thackway
Head of Art
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