
A History Of Crescent 75th Anniversary Edition

This year we marked the 75th anniversary of the school’s inception back in the post war world of 1948. We celebrated in different ways over the year, with the highlight being the School Fayre last summer and the open day for Old Crescentians.

As part of these celebrations, I am delighted to announce the publication of a much-updated version of the school history, which we have sent home with your children. This very handy booklet was invaluable to me when I first started here in 2017. It helped me get a taste of the school’s unique ethos and culture, which are at the heart of every great school. However, the last edition marked our 60th anniversary back in 2008, so an update this year was most welcome.

This new version builds on that first edition. Credit and thanks are given to the previous author, Maria Page and her contributors, and to former Headmaster, Huw Marshall and the Foundation Archive and Marketing Team for their assistance with the additional two chapters and sourcing of photographic material. Through words and fascinating archive pictures the booklet tracks the school’s rich history from its founding by first Headteacher, Eve Mortimer and the early days on Horton Crescent, through to its move to Bawnmore Road, the merger with the Princethorpe Foundation and brings the story up to the present day.

It rightly celebrates all that is good about Crescent School, including our heritage of achievement in sport, music, the performing arts and of course academic results and pastoral care. It also recognises former and longstanding staff who have played an important part in the school’s success.

We hope you enjoy reading the booklet and finding out more about our school's fascinating history.

Joe Thackway