Important Information

Bad Weather Procedure

It is the school’s policy to remain open during periods of bad weather where reasonably possible. However, there may be occasions where opening the school may not be possible for health and safety reasons, or indeed when travel to school for pupils and staff may be especially dangerous.

If we do decide to close the school due to bad weather overnight, we would inform parents in the following ways:

  • The school website will be updated with details of the closure. This is likely to be the first thing we are able to do as it does not require a member of staff to be in school
  • All parents will be informed by text message and email
  • Home Learning will be put in place for the children as soon as practically possible (this may not be on the first day of closure)

If we need to close the school during the normal day we will follow the same procedure as outlined above. Members of staff will of course stay with any uncollected children in this event until their parents or guardians are able to come and collect. If this does occur, parents should please come to the front of the school and report to reception.

Joe Thackway


Reception Forest School - Colder Weather Unform

As the temperature is dropping over the winter can you please ensure that your child has mittens/gloves and their black school coat in school on a Monday ready for their Forest School session. If you have waterproof gloves/mittens please send those in. This will ensure that they can get the most out of our outdoor sessions.

Thank you.

Mrs Dowling
Teaching Assistant Forest School

Christmas Bazaar Information

Friday 8 December 2023

We are looking forward to the Christmas Bazaar on Friday 8 December 2022. The playground will be open for car parking from 3.20pm. 

All children are to be collected at their usual times and normal collection points, except Years 5 and 6 who will be dismissed from the pupil door. Please enter via the Main School Entrance where you will be welcomed in to enjoy all of the fun from 3.30pm for Reception and 3.45pm for the rest of the school.

Entry and exit will only be through the Main School Entrance. Please be aware that once your child is handed over to you at dismissal, they are your responsibility.

Unfortunately, children in After School will not be able to attend as they will need a parent or guardian to be with them.  

Please also note the impact on Co-Curricular activities that day.

  • Choir has been cancelled
  • Art Club for Year 3 is running
  • Dodgeball for Years 3–6 is still running
  • Didi Rugby will still be running 
  • Funstar Musical Theatre will still be running

Please do let Mrs Tucker and their Form Tutor know if your child(ren) is/are not going to attend a club, so that on the day we know where they need to go. Please also make your child aware as it can lead to upset for the children.

I am sure it will be a great event and we look forward to seeing you.


Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Cut Your Carbon Campaign Deadline

Please encourage children to return their completed 'Cut your Carbon sheet' by Wednesday 6 December, as per below: 

The Green Team have set a challenge for pupils and teachers to 'Cut Your Carbon' during the month of November. 

This is a National Eco-Schools challenge to educate and asks pupils and their families to take nine simple actions at home to cut their carbon footprint. All pupils will receive an A4 sheet (during their Science lesson) with the actions they can take and guidance on the back. The children should return their sheet by the end of November and the Green Team will work out which class has cut their carbon the most. 

It would be great if you could send in any photos of your child completing one of the nine actions. Please send to Mrs Johnson

Mrs Johnson
Head of Science and DT

Christmas Jumper Swap Reminder

Christmas Jumper day will be upon us very soon! We are offering the opportunity for children to swap their Christmas Jumper!  

If your child would like to bring in a jumper that is too small for them or they just fancy a change, they can bring one to the Science room and swap it with one off the rack. Please remember children can only take a jumper if leaving one behind.   

Remember to make sure the jumpers are clean and not damaged so others can take it home and love it again! 

Thank you

From the Green Team 

Co-Curricular Clubs Finish 15 December 2023

It has been an exciting term for co-curricular, with so many choices on offer for your children. 

Co-curricular clubs end on Friday 15 December.

After this date, if you require afterschool care please make sure you book this in advance through MSP so we can ensure correct staff ratios.

The new co-curricular timetable is being created presently and will be shared with you to sign up for imminently.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head