Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

We have seen a change in the weather in recent days with the arrival of more autumnal conditions. Whilst the warm sunny days are always welcome, it is reassuring when the climate has a more normal feel to it, particularly in these worrying days of climate change.

On the theme of sustainability, Jacqui Johnson, our wonderful science teacher, has been leading our school Green Team towards the new eco-award that I mentioned in the recent welcome evening. The team have been working on their questionnaire, finding out what we do and don't do and will use this to build an action plan, which they will share with you and the children as it progresses. We have already looked at what we can do in lunchtime provision and for parents’ events, doing away with non-recyclable vessels for serving drinks and refreshments.

This week has seen the start of our parent consultation meetings for the year. I attend most if not all of these and it's always nice to meet up with many of you as you come along to hear about the progress of your sons and daughters. These went very smoothly this week and I look forward to meeting more of you for the second evening for each year group next week.

I like to recognise particular achievements occasionally in my newsletter and it's often in the sporting or musical arena. This week however I'll give a special mention to our maths challenge teams who went over to Princethorpe College earlier in the week and performed admirably against lots and lots of local schools. Our top finishing team came second overall, but we had others trying really hard and finishing well inside the top 15 out of 52 competing teams. Well done to the children who took part and it's great when maths can be made into such a fun and interesting competition.

This might be famous last words, but I think I have a relatively quiet weekend planned, which are my favourite ones. I might even get to watch a bit of the Rugby World Cup, which promises to provide an exciting weekend of games.  Whatever you are up to, I hope you also have relaxing time with your families.

Joe Thackway