Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

I hope you have all enjoyed productive weeks at work and at home, as we have here at school. Our School Promise theme is ‘being kind to each other’, and we developed this idea further earlier in the week with an assembly about the Rugby Foodbank. Our collection for this is an important part of the run up to our harvest celebrations each year, and it is great to see the collection growing by the day already.

On a charitable theme, we are also looking forward to the Macmillan Coffee Morning next Friday, and there are more details for you to read about this further on in today’s Courier. 

Today was an important landmark for the Princethorpe Foundation and saw the official opening of the new Science Centre over at the College. It is certainly a most impressive addition to the facilities over there and has also created very valuable teaching spaces elsewhere in the school at the same time. Our Year 6 children are going over there for a bit of a taster experience next week, and over the years many of you will also see the benefits of this if or when your children move onto the College. It was a particular source of pride today to see one of our Crescent parents, Mrs Akinola-Amadi, delivering the opening speech in such fine style. 

I spent a bit of time this week talking to our Year 6 children about the need for resilience in education and felt I should give a special mention to the girls’ hockey teams who showed plenty of this in their rain-sodden fixtures on Wednesday afternoon. The heavens opened in spectacular style but the girls kept on going and did the school proud. They say these things are character building, and they probably have a point. 

Well done also to the Year 3 children who behaved themselves so beautifully on their trip over to the Leicester Museum for their work on Egyptians. This was our first educational visit of the year, and it was great to hear such positive reports from both children and staff.

Whatever you have planned for the weekend, I hope you have a good one. I am away at the annual IAPS conference in Liverpool for the first three days of next week but will be back in school on Thursday, hopefully fired up with lots of great new ideas to continue the school's development.

Joe Thackway