FoC Welcome From The Chair

Welcome to the new school year! We hope everyone had a lovely summer and is looking forward to getting cracking with this year's events. 

For those new to the school, Friends of Crescent (FOC) is Crescent School's parent association. We meet each half term to discuss any forthcoming events and all are welcome to attend. The Committee is formed of reps from each year group (ideally two and we are looking for new recruits!).

Our first meeting is Monday 11 September at 3.50pm so please feel free to join us!

Information on our events is generally communicated via Classlist, Facebook and The Courier so please keep an eye out. 

Michaelmas term events:

- 22nd: Year 6 Bake Sale
- 27th & 28th: Bag2School Collection
- 28th: MacMillan coffee Morning

- 10th: Year 5 Bake Sale
- 17th: Parents Quiz (inc bar!)
- 29th: Christmas Craft evening for parents

- 8th: Christmas Bazaar 

Inez de Koning
(Chair, FOC)

New Parent Reps Needed in Reception and Year 1

As you will be aware FoC is entirely dependent on parent volunteers to help run the events we organise. They also pay a crucial role in ensuring that classes are aware of relevant communications regarding events and collections. While it doesn't require a large scale time commitment, we do need parents who volunteer to be a Class Representative to be present when we need them! We aim for two representatives per class and currently need one Rep for our new Reception class and one for our Year 1 class. 

Meetings are held once per half term with occasional online meetings in between. While we appreciate it is hard for some people to attend the meetings we aim for at least one representative per class. The main events we hold are the Christmas Bazaar and Summer Fete when it is literally all hands to the pump and sees parent volunteers working alongside the teachers. For other events we require fewer volunteers, but help is still appreciated! 

Role expectations: 

  • Co-ordinate class bake sales (one per school year)
  • Attend half termly meetings (if possible)
  • Support the main FoC events by helping set-up and run a stall
  • Ensure classes are aware of relevant communications about events and collections

Please contact me if you are interested.

FoC Chair