Important Information

Jewellery In School

Please would parents ensure that children do not come into school wearing jewellery.

Necklaces and bracelets can easily be broken or lost and are potentially hazardous for children taking part in physical activities or experiments. 

Earrings are not to be worn in school at anytime.

We discourage watches being worn in Pre-Prep but they can be worn in the Upper School to aid learning. Watches should have no capacity to communicate, play games or take pictures. 

Thank you for you cooperation with this health and safety matter.

Mr Webb
Assistant Head 

Co-Curricular Club Start Next Week

Co-Curricular Clubs start on Monday 11 September. SOCS has been updated and it is important you check which clubs your child is booked in for. Please note the following:

Uniform Expectations
The uniform expectation for all sporting clubs is school PE kit. The only exceptions are leotards for yoga, gymnastics and street dance and TaeKwonDo uniform.
Most children do before school clubs in their uniform to save changing after. 
Early Collection
We are having a number of parents asking if they can collect at alternative times to the set end of a co-curricular club. As much as we like to be accommodating I am afraid we cannot meet these requests due to the logistics of not having staff to safely hand over your child to their adult. Most clubs have one adult running them.

If you wish to remove a child from a club due to this protocol then please let Mrs Tucker know and she will update our records.

Thank you for understanding.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Handwriting Pens For Upper School

Dear Parents

Just a little reminder about the pens we expect the children in Upper School to have from this September. Each child will have different preferences, so we are recommending a range of pens for the children to have in school from Year 4. In Year 3 they are awarded a pen licence which comes with its own pen (Berol handwriting pen).

The options we expect to see in school are:

  • Parker or Lamy Fountain pen
  • Berol Handwriting pen
  • Staedtler Handwriting pen
  • Uniball Micro Air Rollerball pen
  • Uniball Eye Rollerball pen

These are all to be used with blue ink only. Please do not buy pens that have an erasable rubber- making mistakes is very much part of their learning.

Each child is an individual and certain pens will suit your child more than others. We have been specific as we feel this will be of help to you and beneficial to the children and their work. They should not be using biros at all in any of their schoolwork and fine liners are only allowed for additional presentation of work.

Thank you for your support with this. We look forward to seeing all the new pens (named of course) this term.

Best wishes

Mrs Webb/Mrs Yates
Head of English/SENDCo

Times Table Rock Stars

A new year starts with a tournament between all the classes. Children are set at table levels appropriate to them so the older children can compete fairly against younger children from 1Q up to 6W. All data is also carried over from last year with nothing lost. Pupils should have been issued with their TT Rockstar usernames and passwords - they have not changed from last year. Please ask your child - it maybe in their homework diary.

Here are two clips if you need a refresher on the system. You can also attend the platform meetings in a couple of weeks time for more details. 

What is Times Tables Rock Stars? A Children's Guide - YouTube

What is Times Tables Rock Stars? Parents and Carers Guide - YouTube

Ms Forth
Deputy Head

Class 6W Homework

During key weeks where there is exam pressure, we like to remove homework from the children's workload. Next weekend it is the 11+ so no homework will be set this week. For children not taking the 11+, these children still have plenty to focus their homework time on: reading, Abacus and Times Table rock stars to name a few. 

Mrs Webb
Class 6W Form Teacher