Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

I hope you have all enjoyed restful break over the festive period. It can be a busy time of year for families, with lots of comings and goings in the house and things to organise. In amongst all of that I do hope you were able to find a little bit of time for yourselves and spend it with your children. We had all five of us in the house for the whole of the holiday, my wife and our three children, and with all of their plans for the future it might be some time before this happens again. We did manage to couple this with a broken telly on Christmas Day and a broken-down car the day before, but at least we were together, and much fun was had.

I must say the Crescent children came back to school on Wednesday in great form and it was lovely to see them all so happy and excited and ready for their new term. As I came down the steps to open the gate at 8.15 on Wednesday I am pretty sure I heard a small cheer go up. Now I know some might say it was from the parents, but I am confident it came from the children who were clearly looking forward to their first day back. I don't know about you, but I don't remember feeling quite the same about my returns to school when I was that age.

We started our assemblies for the term with a message about aiming for the best that we can be in the year ahead. We particularly talked about the importance of kindness and thought for others, as well as wearing our uniform smartly and staying safe in school. We also highlighted our new and slightly tweaked version of the School Promise for the first two weeks of spring term which is ‘we respect each other and celebrate our differences’. There are some themes here that we will return to later in the year and you'll learn more about in the Courier and from your children.

In the meantime, I look forward to a happy and successful term here at school and look forward to meeting up with you in the weeks ahead

Best wishes

Joe Thackway