Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

The annual Christmas tree decorating competition has become a new tradition here at the school and this year’s efforts have raised the level quite substantially. I get the almost impossible job (I will be unpopular with 2/3 of the children whatever I do) of deciding who the winner is, which you will be able to read about elsewhere in the Courier. The headline though has to be the group effort that has gone into making them look so lovely and causing such a flurry of interest amongst the children.

On a similar theme, our Christmas art day on Monday was enthusiastically engaged with and lots of really impressive Christmas displays have appeared in the corridors and classrooms. It was great to see so many families coming into the school on Wednesday for the open corridors event and enjoying sharing these creations with their children. These activities really help to build a sense of community and belonging that enriches children’s lives in so many ways.

With the Christmas bazaar happening more or less as this Courier is pinging into your inboxes, we are well into our countdown towards Christmas itself. Next week will see the Reception and Year 1 nativity performance as well as final rehearsals for the Carol Service and Year 2 Christmas Cracker performance (this last one didn’t get on the hard copy calendar and is Monday 12 December at 9.15am).

Many thanks to everyone who has already completed the parental questionnaire that we sent out last Friday. We currently have responses from slightly less than half of the Crescent families and it would be great to have everyone's input if we possibly could. I would politely remind those who have yet to complete the survey that the deadline is Tuesday, December 6. It is worth saying that it may take a little time to collate the answers and think them through and my plan is to share the responses with parents fully in the Lent Term.

Enjoy your weekend

Joe Thackway