Digital Citizenship

Fortnite And ‘Free-to-Play’ Games

The mobile gaming market has been dominated for some time now by so called ‘free-to-play’ games, ones that have no initial cost to download, but often come with a lot of additional ‘optional’ purchases. These can often be incredibly frustrating for children (and grown-ups!), getting to love a game, only to come up against a seemingly impossible barrier that can only be overcome with spending real money on power-ups etc. Although they do still offer a lot of entertainment value, some do require close monitoring.

For a while now the most popular has been the phenomenon that is Fortnite, with Chapter 3 of the game dropping last year. The game itself does come with an advisory 12+ age limit primarily due to the violent, albeit very cartoony, nature of it, but remains extremely popular amongst primary age children. If you do choose to allow your child to play Fortnite, there are a few important things to consider, primarily the in-app purchases, violent nature and ability to chat with other users. The most important step is to set up the correct Parental Controls (see picture attached). Turning off the ‘mature language’, ‘friend requests’, ‘voice chat’ and ‘text chat’ immediately makes the game infinitely safer from any stranger danger or inappropriate content concerns.

Please also take a look at the attached guide, with lots of useful advice to make it as safe and fun an experience as possible and if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Mr Adkins
Head of Digital Learning