Preloved Uniform

One of our lovely parents, Kate Mercer, has produced this video (link below) to promote the preloved uniform that is available to purchase.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair



Naming A Puppy

The children seem very engaged in the naming of the puppy and there have already been a huge amount of entries into the box.

Children have until Friday 9 February to fill in a slip with their name, class and to choose a suitable name for our puppy.  

It needs to be a name that is not too close to a command (e.g. Faye would not be suitable as it's too close to stay), preferably be two syllables long and a universal name if possible so it can be either a boy or girls dog name.

The slips and box to enter will be on the FoC table along with stickers for every entry submitted.

The top 3 names will be chosen to submit with our entry and update the children on the names chosen.

Zara Corbin
Chair FoC

Movie Night - Beethoven

Friday 9 February 2018 - 5.00pm to 6.30pm

We will be holding our first Movie Night of 2018 in aid of our "Name a Puppy" charity.  All the proceeds from this evening will go towards this and hopefully we will reach and exceed our total of £1500 required. 

We have opted for a doggy-themed movie and have chosen to show Beethoven.  This will be on Friday 9 February in the school hall from 5.00pm and should finish at 6.30pm. Please drop children off via the front entrance and pick them up via the usual side entrance.

It's only £5 per child and £3 for Reception children as they need to be accompanied by an adult and this includes the movie plus snacks and a drink. 

Please put your child(s) name down on the list on the FoC noticeboard and you can either pay on the night or put £5 in an envelope marked "Movie Night" with your child's name on it into the green FoC box. 

If you would like your child to go into after-school until the movie night starts please put their name down on the after-school sheet and tick for your child to receive tea and we'll make sure that all children receive their tea before the movie starts.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair
View Gallery

Year 3 Market Day

16 February 2018 - 3.45pm - 4.15pm

Come along and purchase cakes and sweets all in aid of Year 3.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair
View Gallery

Mother's Day Crafts

This year we will be getting your child to decorate a heart shaped porcelain dish which will come gift wrapped with a hand made tag and include some love hearts for £5.

If you would like your child(ren) to participate in this activity please downlaod and complete the form below:

FOC Mothers Day flyer.pdf

Additional copies of the order form can be found on the FoC table.

All forms need to returned by Friday 16 February.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair
View Gallery