Around The Classes

Reception Roundup

Please click on the link below to read all about what the Reception classes have been learning this week. 

Reception Round Up - 27 May 2022 

Mrs Pullen and Mrs Emery
Reception Class Teachers

Year 1 Bark Rubbing

Classes 1LS and 1SS have been learning about plants including trees this week. The children were out in Forest School measuring and observing the different parts of a tree. They took bark rubbings to then make their own detailed drawings.

Mrs Johnson
Science and DT Teacher
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Class 1LS Maths Detectives

Class 1LS became Mathematics Detectives this week. The children investigated how many ways we could move around three Compare Bears without duplicating a colour sequence. It required strategic thinking and lots of careful observation.

Mrs Symons
Class 1LS Form Teacher
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Super Science Club

In Super Science club, pupils from Years 1 and 2 have been enjoying experiments using lots of different colours. They have set up and observed how coloured water can move by absorption from one cup to another making colours of the rainbow and how the colours of skittle sweets (in water) have different properties which make barriers and creates super rainbow patterns.

It's been lots of fun learning about chemistry!

Mrs Johnson
Science and DT Teacher
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Class 5F Make Burgers

Class 5F have researched the nutritional value of different burgers from well-known fast-food chains. Some of the results were quite shocking! Motivated by their findings, Class 5F wrote persuasive letters to the chains to ask that the fat and salt content be reduced. The children designed and planned their own burger that was a much healthier and balanced meal. They made their own sauces too! 

Mrs Johnson
Science and DT Teacher
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