
Drawing And Talking - A New Approach To Emotional Wellbeing

As a school, we remain committed to the wellbeing and mental health of all children. This is daily supported and nourished by Form Tutors, initially, and in conjunction with our specialist timetable and rounded co-curricular provision. Alongside this we are now also excited to share with you that Mrs Collie and myself have undertaken training over the Easter holidays in a creative, storytelling intervention which can be used across our school community.

Drawing and Talking is a method of supporting children who may be finding day to day routines and expectations difficult due to a number of short term or long term reasons: from internal battles with their emotional resilience to external pressures which could affect their ability to learn and flourish. Group work and individual sessions will be offered to students and families who have been identified by staff, and in partnership with parents, to help process emotions through a safe and engaging environment. If you are interested in finding out more about Drawing and Talking, check out their website at:


Mrs Stapleton
Head of Wellbeing