Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

The children have really settled down to school life this week. It is now the end of the second week back and school feels a lot more normal with plenty of hard work and endeavour going on in all of the classrooms. We have maintained the measures set out in our risk assessment and the children have taken to them in no time at all. Seeing teachers and helpers wearing masks and visors is now completely normal for the children, they don’t bat an eyelid. It is always amazing how quickly children adapt to new circumstances. Things that seemed unthinkable just a few short months ago are now common place.

I was delighted to appoint our new Head Boy and Girl this morning. It was a very difficult decision to make with so many strong candidates to consider. Well done to everyone who put their names forward. This takes some courage and they deserve our congratulations for going for it. Holding positions of responsibility is an important part of the Year 6 experience and next week we look forward to the appointment of the house captains.

I would like to make a special mention of the current Year 6 class who have really impressed me in the first two weeks with their mature approach to returning to school. They have shown how to do this in a calm and responsible way and shown a great example to all those around them. It will be a different year for all of us, but it will require the same qualities of resilience, fortitude and good humour that were shown last term. Everything that Year 6 have done up to this stage persuades me that things will be no different this time round.

At the other end of the school, it has been lovely to see the new Reception classes coming in with such enthusiasm and confidence. There have been only a very few tears and many smiles with all of the children loving their start to the term.

Seeing the children come into class brings home to all of us just how important an institution schools are for us as a society and for the individual children as well. Having said that, we know that partial school closures and the isolation of bubbles remain distinct possibilities over the coming months. In that situation we would of course revert immediately to home learning through Seesaw and Teams and look to keep those affected fully in the swing of school life. Partial temporary closures have already happened in local schools so we must remain vigilant and keep the protocols in place that we have agreed on and so minimise the numbers who would be affected, should this occur.

Enjoy your weekend everyone.

Joe Thackway