
Pastoral Message From Mr Webb

Dear Parents

The VE day celebrations last week saw many people sharing memories of events around the end of World War 2.  Many Crescent staff have been told about children interviewing grandparents or great-grandparents to enhance their own understanding of what it would have felt like.  For many of us our own childhood eras probably won't feature too significantly in school history lessons of the future.

However, it is more than likely that your great grandchildren will one day be interviewing your own children to find out more about the times we are all going through right now.  My greatest hope is that whilst they will clearly reference the sadness and the things that they missed, children now will also talk enthusiastically about how they kept learning, kept being the best they could be, how they sacrificed for the health of others and how they found ways of keeping up with friends and family members.  Many of them will talk of how we found ways to say thank you, protect the planet more, how we found ingenious ways of raising money or keeping spirits high.  

We talk lots to the children in school about the qualities of being a "good person" (it's the basis of the school promise).  As we plan returning to school over upcoming weeks and months, staff will be telling the children how proud we are of them for all of this, pointing out the positives from all that seems negative, and I know you are doing it with them at home too.  Perhaps a point of discussion over this weekend with your children will be how we are all making history right now!

With all best wishes to you all,

Mr Webb
Crescent Safeguarding Lead
Head of Pastoral Care

CLANG Of The Week

Another sunny week has helped keep us positive and motivated to get out for our daily exercise to look around at the beautiful flowers and hear the bird song just as Mr Thackway shared with us in our assembly this morning.

It  was heartwarming to see so many people engaging with the VE Day celebrations and the socially distancing street parties that showed we can connect with each other in difficult times.

Here's my CLANG of the week; I hope you've had time to think about your own wellbeing this week too!

Being able to connect with neighbours through the VE Day celebrations and share some fun from a safe distance of course!

I loved listening to an interview by Esme in 3S with her great grandad who was only 14 when the war started and I learned what jobs he did and how he felt on VE Day.

Now we can meet up with one other person for a socially distanced walk, I had a lovely time with my friend Christina and I hope to see Ms Hanson too as it's strange not being with her everyday!

Since being out more on our bikes, I've noticed how friendly other cyclists and runners are when you pass them and how lovely it is to share the fresh air.

I can't keep up with my black Labrador moulting in this warm weather. I'm giving him a brush daily but still....!  I hope the birds can use his fluff to make their nests nice and comfy.

Have a good week everyone! #stayhomestaysafe  #5waystowellbeing
Mrs Stapleton
Head of Wellbeing