
Accelerated Reader Achievements

Daniel has made it to reading:

7 Million words

This is an phenomenal achievement. He has read 89 books this academic year, I think it would take me years to read this many books!

Matthew has read 45 book and has reached:

4 million words

Some children read this amount of books in a year!

Absolutely amazing work by two boys in Class 6W.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head
View Gallery

Virtual Accelerated Reading Board

It great to see so many of you accessing reading from home.  We work out these totals over each week working from Monday to Monday, so there is still time for next week.

Word Wizards of the week:

  • Asha 
  • Arrwinn 
  • Daniel 
  • Drew 
  • Liana 
  • Matthew 
  • Zara 

The children who have read the most books this week are:

  • Daniel 
  • George B
  • Holly 
  • Marco 
  • Milly 

Keep up the excellent reading work.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Accelerated Reader Certificates

The following children have been awarded (virtually) certificates for Accelerated Reader this week:

3S 4M 5F 6W



Chloe x 2

Grace C



Yash x 2


Zara x 2









Eva x2 


Grace S x 2

































Well done to you all.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Times Table Rockstars

Weekly battle 23 April - 30 April results:

Boys Girls
5,718 points 3,776 points

Boys are the winners!

Special mention to Aryan in 4M and Sahana 5F for contributing the most points to their teams. 

In the Year 6 battle:

Class 6W Class 6Y
778 point  1,521 points


Class 6Y won the battle!

Each class can have the speediest TT Rock Star and that gets you up the status board on the poster below. To get on this board you have to tackle the single player games - Garage, Studio & Soundcheck, multi-player do not count for these. These also earn more coins than the multiplayer games too.

In the last weeks, most improved speedsters in each class are:

  • 1E - No one on the board yet
  • 2W- No one on the board this week
  • 3S - Harry -Headliner!
  • 4M - Faris - Headliner!
  • 5F - Sahana - Support Act!
  • 6W- no one on the board this week!
  • 6Y - Rania - Gigger!

I have also set up a 'Battle' Thursday 30 April- 6 May, 'Girls Vs Boys' for the whole school. 

There is also Class 4M V 5F battle too.

Battles add up any points at all as you play! I will let you know who wins next Courier.

Stay Calm and Keep Rocking!

Art Frizzmeister aka Ms Forth
Deputy Head