Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

Welcome to this week’s mini-edition of the Courier. I hope you enjoy finding out about what some of the children have been up to during the holiday as well as reading some important messages from members of the Crescent staff.

There are some key communications that have gone out this week that I would like to briefly flag up. Yesterday we sent round details about how we intend to deliver the home learning curriculum next term, using Seesaw and Teams. Many thanks to everyone here for all their hard work preparing for this and in particular to Bryony Forth, our Head of Curriculum and to Andy Compton, who is the Foundation Head of Digital Strategy.

We do hope you find Seesaw an engaging platform for curriculum delivery and significantly that it takes some of the pressure off you as parents. We know just how busy you are, many of you working from home, and we want to do all we can to support you. There will, no doubt, be a bedding in period but let’s all plan for success.

I mentioned at the end of this letter that we will be sending round a parental questionnaire after the first week of using Seesaw. Please do use this as an opportunity to provide feedback as we attempt to refine and finesse our delivery, making it work for all involved and ensuring pupil progress.

With today’s Courier you will also receive an important message from Liz Griffin, our Foundation Chair of Trustees. Please click here to view this message. Many of you will have seen Liz at school events in the past, she has been a friendly face at many concerts and services and offers great support to everyone here. The letter talks about the Foundation strategy for meeting the challenges of lockdown and dealing with the coronavirus. A large part of this of course is the issue of fees and discounts. We have listened hard to feedback from parents, both here at Crescent and in the other foundation schools, and as you will see there has been a revision to the discounts that positively affects us as a prep school. I do hope that this comes as some good news to you.

Weekends don’t seem quite the same in lockdown as they did before, do they? However, I hope you are able to get away from the stresses and strains of working from home and find some relaxation time over the next two days.

With my best wishes to you all.

Joe Thackway